Monday, September 12, 2011

To seek the light of truth

Another contemporary theorist I'm reading works from this semester is Clifford Geertz. Geertz believes that the deeper you try to understand a person, culture, event, etc. the further away from "the answer" you will get because every one of those things is so thick with layers and possible meanings. There are so many little things that people do and think it is impossible to understand or interpret correctly what actually happened in the past or that is happening in the present. Granted it is a little different with works of art because the artist or author can come out and say what their piece of work means, but that doesn't mean that every person will read or see that work of art the way the author intended. People may also change their mind about what something means upon going back to it after some experiences in life happen. When I was a child I knew that "The Lion King" was loosely based on "Hamlet", so that movie was my childhood "Hamlet". In high school I watched the Kenneth Branagh production of "Hamlet" and it was clearly no longer "The Lion King", but it was still mostly only surface interpretations coming to me and simply entertaining. Now as I read "Hamlet" I feel so much more, but still everything is not clear. Specific things in the play stand out to me now that haven't before and might not again next time I come across "Hamlet" just depending on where I am in my life. There is no end to how people may interpret something.

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