Thursday, November 3, 2011

Librivox: Final Project Proposal

For my final project I would like to do a Librivox recording of a Shakespeare play. As I have been using Librivox this semester to listen to the plays we've been reading, I've noticed the quality of the readers and of their recordings are really hit and miss. I'd like to get a group together to do a recording of a play, and hopefully make it so the audio is clear and the voice acting is at least decent. I'm not that particular on which one, but I thought a lesser know play might be more enjoyable, and we'd have another work of Shakespeare's to add to our repertoire of knowledge. The one I was leaning towards was "Titus Andronicus" because it has cannibalism in it, and being an archaeology major, I'm pretty interested in that kind of thing. But I am open for doing a different one too.
The cool thing about Librivox is that the sharing part of our project is more global. And I personally think it's a useful tool that I've used for a few classes besides our Shakespeare class.
I figure the group would do a basic reading of the play individually, then we'd read it together a few times after researching the story to better understand the characters we'd be recording for whoever to hear. One of the nice things about Librivox is that we wouldn't necessarily even need to record the whole thing together or all at once. Granted I think recording together would be helpful to make it feel a little more connected, and so we'd all have the same audio sound.


  1. I suggest choosing from among the plays we have read together so that people don't have to get to know another new play. I'm not sure that Titus is the best choice, anyway, for a number of reasons.

    Make sure you get Brittni's comments about this. She has had some experience doing this kind of recording and had a lot of great ideas and some suggestions for how to go about it.

    Would you record independently or as a group? The whole play at once or just a scene or act at a time?

  2. Hey Amanda, me and other people from the group are expanding on your idea and getting ideas together. You should probably come on Tuesday, we're discussing roles in the audio project and putting together a cut for Hamlet, which is the play that would probably be the best play for us to do.

  3. I'm sorry I haven't been there this week, I've been pretty sick. I will be there for sure next week. I'm sorry for any inconvenience I've caused. Thank you for letting me know what you've been doing.

  4. No problem at all, just a lot has been happening and we were worried about hijacking your idea. So far we don't have a lot done, but by Tuesday, we should have a final cut of Hamlet. We're trying to cut it down to about an hour. We may have access to a sound booth through professor Burton, so it would be fantastic if we could start recording in the next week or so.
